We will both collect feedback from suitable people (people who fit into our age range and target audience specifications for our film) on our poster and see what people had to say and their opinions on how the poster related to the film and what the positive/negative points were.
Here I used facebook to contact people from our target audience and ask reliable people I knew would give honest opinions on our work. I asked people: the good points, bad points and does it go well with our film and represent it well? :

From these comments I received later, it is clear that they don't have the same opinion as the first person I received feedback from. These people are the same age and gender as the first person but don't have the same opinion on the photo matter. In fact the 2nd person here liked the photo and thought it was a good representation of the characters and their relationship in the film. The genre, thought it may not have been noticeable through our picture choice on our poster, was represented through our choice of quotes we used on our poster and this allowed the audience to see the type of film through this as it wasn't represented in our image we chose. I have learnt from this that also the colours were a good choice and the design as a whole worked well and was very clear.
We will both collect feedback from suitable people (people who fit into our age range and target audience specifications for our film) on our poster and see what people had to say and their opinions on how the poster related to the film and what the positive/negative points were.
Here I used facebook to contact people from our target audience and ask reliable people I knew would give honest opinions on our work. I asked people: the good points, bad points and does it go well with our film and represent it well? :

Here is one persons feedback I got from facebook back. This feedback shows that they thought the poster looked authentic and was clear to read in terms of colour choice and the layout we decided to use.
However, I did receive some constructive criticism here which was that they thought the image didn't work well as it didn't show the characters and their relationship the way it is portrayed in the film and gives off a different vibe and theme to our film. She says they "seem quite shocked and detached from one another" and also "seems different to what you were trying to get across in the film" which shows that the audience of the poster don't see from the poster the developing relationship or relationship at all between the characters and no suggestions of the comedy/romantic/friendship side to our film. We will have to see from other people's feedback if this is a popular opinion between people in our target audience.
From these comments I received later, it is clear that they don't have the same opinion as the first person I received feedback from. These people are the same age and gender as the first person but don't have the same opinion on the photo matter. In fact the 2nd person here liked the photo and thought it was a good representation of the characters and their relationship in the film. The genre, thought it may not have been noticeable through our picture choice on our poster, was represented through our choice of quotes we used on our poster and this allowed the audience to see the type of film through this as it wasn't represented in our image we chose. I have learnt from this that also the colours were a good choice and the design as a whole worked well and was very clear.
I felt the review feedback needed to be more quality than quantity so I got my 25 year old female cousin who is also a student to give me some feedback on the review as she was within the Little White Lies target audience and within ours so she was perfect.

32 year old Maylo
"A good, well-written review which puts the film 'crossing paths' in today's context. It could do with some 'fleshing out' in descriptive terms, to give a more overall view of the whole scope of the film"
The fact that she complimented our review saying it was 'in todays context' is a particularly good compliment because of the fact that little white lies is quite a modern and 'hip' magazine. Therefore we have sucessfully writen in a tone which is both formal and informal like we were trying to. I agree with her criticism that the review could do with some more detail on the actual film. However I think this has occurred because it is a short film which means that the whole film could be described in few words so I didn't want to give too much away which is why I found myself trying to limit what I said in regards to the plot.
23 year old Lucy
"This review makes me want to see the film 'crossing paths'. It gives enough information to tantalise the reader and makes me wonder what the twist might be. My only criticism might be the length of some of the sentences, made me a little confused."
In this case the review seems to have been successful because it has done its job and made her want to see the film in particular because of the way we made the 'twist' seem so interesting through our particular wording. I agree that some of the sentences are quite long and confusing but in my defence the Little white lies reviews oftend have complex sophisticated sentences.
25 year old Olivia
"This review gives a very good insight into what the film is about and what to expect in the film. The language used was easy to read and light hearted which was easy to relate to"
This feedback was particularly positive and she did relate to it which is really good because she is in the target audience so we wrote mature enough for her but also with a young modern register as well. She mentioned that it was lighthearted which I am particularly pleased to hear because Little white lies reviews are quite lighthearted.
29 year old Joseph
He has noticed something that I tried really hard to do - not give any spoilers but still give a sense of what the film was about. This is a convention of little white lies as they never give away any spoilers but still make it interesting and in doing this makes readers want to see the film. The reason I probably slipped into using the pronoun we is because in the little white lies reviews they sometimes involve the readers by using personal pronouns like 'we'. We did try to give different prospectives of the characters which is why we said it that he lives up to 'his' full potential but on a wider-scale not so much.
You both have a lot to do before the deadline tomorrow. Don't forget you have the mock in the lesson.