Tuesday, 29 November 2011


180 degree rule
Obviously we will be taking into account the 180 degree rule because it is essential for continuity. The rule means that we can not cross the 180 degree line at between two characters between shots because it will confuse the audience. This is further explained in this clip:

White Balance
This is another necessity for continuity and realism, because a change in the white balance would bring the audience out of the film as it will look strange. We must make sure the colour is properly set before any new shots to ensure the colour doesnt change to be too cold or warm for instance. See this example:

Match on action
Match on action is something we will use, (proceeding one clip containing the same action from the previous clip), as it has become to be a necessity for a shots to flow and allows us to be drawn further into the film. We used quite a lot of this as on the train in a very confined space. Here is an example:

Eye-line match
We have also used eye-line match in our film which really helps to put the audience in the characters position. This helps to make them see things from the characters perspective giving a more personal approach. An example of how we as the audience is shown what the girl is looking at through an eye-line match is demonstrated below:

Panning Shot
 In our film we will be using panning shots a couple of times. We are using these shots to establish the surroundings to the audience as well as what it is happening in the shot and show and follow the movement of characters as well. Here is a short example:

We will also be using tracking shots in our film in the flashbacks and doing this so we can follow the characters movement as it will be behind the shoulder shots and so with these shots we can also see by the tracking shots what they are moving towards and what they can see while we can see the character at the same time. For our tracking shots in one of the sequences, we will be using a car as a substitue for a steady cam and so we can acheieve a nice smooth shot. Here is an exmaple of a more advanced tracking shot:


Monday, 28 November 2011


In our film, we don't use a huge amount of props but we do use a few on the train scene. The props we will be using on our film and why are presented in this post.

We will be using 2 ipods in our film. They are key props as our female character will enter the train with an iPod in her ear playing extremely loud music, while later on the male character will get an iPod out from his pocket and choose a song to play which will spark a conversation between the 2 characters. Our choices are an iPod touch and nano.


This means that for the male characters iPod, we will need an iPod that we can see the screen quite clearly as the character next to him would need to be able to see it in order to start the conversation regarding that song or artist of the song.

When deciding what ipod to use, we have to decide what one is best for filming. The Ipod touch has a bigger screen and so will be easier to view what artist the character is listening to as it has a picture of the artist nearly fully on the screen whereas the iPod nano screen is very small and it wouldn't be easily viewable to the audience or the other character. Another reason why we will use the ipod touch in filming is that the ipod nano we have available is pink and the male character will be using this ipod which to the audience, may be wondering a male has a bright pink ipod and may not fit our characters persona and so we will be using the ipod touch.

Mobile Phone:

Our female character in our film will be using a mobile phone and we will see her talking on it as well as the screen light up and see a person calling her. We will a have a selection of phones for use on the day which all have quite large screens and so would all be able to be used on our film. 

 One of our scenes involed the girl annoying the boy by russelling and eating a packet of crisps. So we have asked the female character her favourite flavour as she would have to be eating quite a few in order for us to get the shot we want. We have choosen walkers because it is a very well known brand and it will be obvious what the item is in her hand. We must remmeber to bring a few packets so that we have a few attemps come the day of filming. 


As we are on a train which is a very small and controlled environment, we don't want to much to take on with us as we have restricted space as it is. If we have a need for lighting (As trains have their own lighting in the carriages) we will need a handheld/portable light as we will not have enough room for a large lighting device with an umbrella.

We will also have to take into account some scenes with the flashback and platform. These are outside and we don't want to use a large lighting kit outdoors, if the weather is bad outside whereas a portable one would be easier to use in bad weather.


1st location idea:

  • This is one of the areas available for out flashback scene where the male leaves the house. However, the location isn't suitable I feel for this shot. We want to to be able to do one continuous long shot and it would be difficult in this area. 

  • We first of all have all the houses on a bend which doesn't make tracking our character as easy as a straight road. 
  • There are also only a few houses here and we want the feel that the female character lives near the house he has exited but from the location of these house and that they are so close together, the audience may feel that the female character should know the male character if they both live here and should have at least recognized each other when passing by. 
  • Another reason why this location isn't suitable is that there are 3 schools by this main road leading down and a lot of traffic passes by. If we did use this location, we would have a lot of trouble with sound with the amount of cars in the background. 
  • There are also normally a lot of cars parked around these houses, thus making it harder to film again.
2nd location idea:

  • This will be where one of the flashbacks scenes will definitely be filmed. Because it has that long straight not very busy road for us to do our long continuous tracking shot on. 

3rd Location idea:

  • Our other definite location will be Haywards heath train station and aboard one of southern rails trains. We liked this location because it was neutral ground for the characters encounter, it was an interesting setting and it was challenging but we knew the rewards would be great as it would be something different that no one had done before. It also adds an element of realism as everyone can recognise a train and a platform making it more believable the the two could meet in this environment.


Yellow: Promoting and Displaying our film online using a site like Vimeo would mean we can very easily just upload a video for all to see with just a few clicks of a button.
Our film/s can be very easily monitored by us as we would have a personalised account where we can mange our own section of the site.
There is also other videos which means people can discover our film through the discover search option.
There are also related things like links to Film Festival Awards that appear on the site which will help us to surround ourselves in film.


This animatic has a voice commentary describing what is going on in each of the shots


Shot Number
Shot size/angle
Description of shot
Camera Movement
Establishing shot
Establishing shot of the station
5 sec
Still shot
Establishing shot
Shot of a train passing by at train platform
6 sec
Pan across
Close up
Leaf travelling past screen - Male character’s foot steps on leaf
6 sec
Still shot
Low angle
Character walking up stairs - figure shadowed
5 sec
tilt upwards
Long shot
On platform - see back of character run for the train
8 sec
pan across
Close up
Feet dangling - see background of station behind - sound effect of train stopping - feet go down on ground - Feet disappear from shot - added sound of feet
8 sec
Still shot
Close up
Character pressing 'open' button for train door
3 sec
Still shot
Tracking behind OR side shot
Feet getting on train - behind feet or side view - not decided on shot
4 sec
Tracking shot
Character walks down isle of the train – Behind feet
4 sec
Mid shot
Shot at mid waist - characters sits down - camera tilts up slightly when he sits - see face of our character - looks out the window
5 sec
tilt upwards
Mid shot
character looking out window
6 sec
Still Shot
Close up
character looking out of window
6 sec
Still shot
Tracking, extreme long shot – mid/long shot
Flashback - character is going to exit house and walk down street - He's going to walk out of shot, female character appears in view and walks past camera
25 sec
Behind the shoulder shot
See female characters feet on station out of window
4 sec
Still Shot
Close Up
Her hand pressing 'open' button for train door
3 sec
Still shot
Mid-long shot
Camera on table opposite characters - walks down aisle and begins to sit down
5 sec
Pan across
Mid Shot
Match on Action shot - Her sitting down in train seat - Both characters sitting and getting comfortable - she has earphones in - music playing very loudly
6 sec
Still Shot
Mid shot
Male character turning and looking at what she is doing - annoyed by loud music
5 sec
Still shot
2 shot
She catches him looking - awkward smile between them - looks away
7 sec
Still shot
Mid shot
Character looking at her phone
6 sec
Still shot
Over the shoulder shot
See phone light up and ring - takes headphone out - music stops - phone to ear
5 sec
Still shot
Close Up
See her talking on phone - fade into next shot
8 sec
Still shot
Mid shot
Still on phone - fade into next shot
8 sec
Still shot
2 shot- mid shot
her on her phone - he turns to look at her - she ends conversation
7 sec
Still shot
Close up
Close up of bag - puts phone away - getting out crisps
9 sec
Still shot
Extreme close up
Extreme close up of male characters eyes - Looks at crisps
3 sec
Still shot
POV from males perspective
looking at crisps as she opens them
3 sec
Still shot
2 shot
she finally opens bag - puts hand in and takes 1 out - just raises out of bag
5 sec
Still shot
Side shot
puts crisp towards mouth
6 sec
Extreme close up
Extreme close up of his eyes - following her hand towards mouth
5 sec
Still shot
Side shot
she puts crisp in mouth - slow motion - adding enhancement of sound of her eating it
9 sec
Still shot
POV from him
side at first - turns head to camera - looks down after him getting iPod out
6 sec
Still shot
POV shot from her
his legs - getting ipod out of pocket - rests hands on table - showing iPod screen
8 sec
Still shot
Mid shot of her
Still eating crisps - Asks question relating to artist on iPod - e.g. "Have you heard their new album?"
9 sec
Still shot
2 shot
Holding up headphone to ear hasn't put it in yet - answers question - about to put headphone back in ear - she asks another question - soundtrack fades over dialogue - fade into next shot
16 sec
Still shot
2 shot – mid shot
talking to each other - fade into next shot
10 sec
Still shot
2 shot – mid shot
characters body positions have changed - fade into next shot
8 sec
Still shot
2 shot – mid shot
characters body positions have changed
8 sec
Still shot
tracking shots behind heads
Cut into flashback - crossing paths - cross cutting
25 sec
Tracking shots
tracking shots in front of heads
after crossed paths - sound bridge of train announcement
8 sec
Still shot
2 shot
them listening to train announcement - finish conversation - say goodbyes - "This is my stop coming up"
7 sec
Still shot
Close up
Female character - "It was really nice meeting you"
4 sec
Still shot
Close Up
Male character - " It was really nice meeting you too"
5 sec
Still shot
Close Up
Female character - looking at male character walk past - he walks past camera - partially blocks screen
9 sec
Still shot
Mid shot - slight angle
camera on opposite table - walks past her - down aisle and past camera
8 sec
Medium long shot
waiting to get off train by doors - turns and smiles at her
6 sec
Still shot
Close up
train pole in focus - face not - focus pull - his face in focus - realization on face - walks past camera
10 sec
Still shot
POV from her
him walking towards her - slow motion - walks right by her face - reaches to side of her - added heartbeat sound for humour
12 sec
Mid shot
he reaches across her - slow motion - see facial reaction as he reaches for phone
7 sec
still shot
POV from her - Mid shot
out of slow motion - "Forgot my phone" - turns around and walks down aisle
6 sec
Mid/long shot
behind him - see him get off train - camera stays on train
7 sec
still shot