Jordan Khan:
Positives - liked the concept of strangers meeting and then getting along - liked that the settiing was somewhere where it could happen to anyone, adds realism, its everyday life - liked the two contrasting characters, feels that is adds a new depth to the film.Negatives -Doesn't like that there seems to be two different points of the story 1. being the idea that although someone can irritate you, they could be someone that becomes your friend or is it 2. two people can live so close together but never meet. Jordan would prefer just one of the morals to be dealt with. - doesn't like the idea of it not being a romance as he feels that if it is just friendship then who cares.
My reply to comments - I feel as though our film is open to interpretation, so however people read our film and whatever they take away from it is subjective and makes for conversation as there are many different ways people could find the most interesting concept behind the film. We did not want to go down the romance road because we felt that it would end up being to clichéd, instead we will only imply friendship but nevertheless the two characters being opposite sexes, some people might get romance from that.
Susannah Alfred:
Positives - liked that a journey is a limited time - said the film plot reminded her of the Hitchcock film 'Strangers on a train' - like the idea that the two characters are sort of encouraged into their relationship because the setting of the train leaves no where to run. Negative - she thought to bring something more interesting into the storyline like perhaps make the girl disabled in an unforseen disability - she feels its a little bit clieched in terms of 'boy meets girl' perhaps a highlight that it is a different relationship than the usual romance.
My reply to comments - I went and research the film 'Strangers on a train' to see how similar our ideas were. However personally dint think they were similar at all besides the fact that they both had two strangers meeting on a train, the meeting in their film was much more substantial and indicated the events of the rest of the film whereas my whole film is solely a 'slice of life' of two strangers meeting on a train. Although I agree tehre should perhaps be something more to the story i dont want to do anything too dramatic like making the girl disabled, it takes away from the realism.
Trevern Diaz:
Positive - it is a pretty interesting story and I would love to here the entirety, if done right it can be amazing but remember everystory needs a begining a conflict or obstacle and a resolution.Negative - somehow its unbelieveable that they were always so close but never met, you should introduce a factor that kept them apart that was then removed, or some special factor that brought them together like the guy missing his usually earlier train so he caught the same one as her.
My reply to comments - I think perhaps we do need to think again about what our begining, conflict and resolution is, whether we have one, and if we don't, why not. However in reply to Trevern's comment someone wrote :'I disagree with parents lived in the same area, went on holidays to the same places at the same times, lived blocks from each other etc, but didn't meet until they met at school when she was in the 6th form and he was training to be a it is believable. :) sounds really good to me!' so again this is a subjective issue. Although i do agree and really like his idea of having a special factor that brings them together like the guy missing the earlier train. Which we have now included in our storyboard!
This is a copy of one feedbacks I got from Facebook.
It has also now been posted on twitter so if we get any feedback we will post it on here.
This is pretty good as initial feedback, but use facebook more actively, and now add the twitter app to get more comments throughout the process. Check with us if you can't work out how to do this.