Thursday, 19 January 2012


As our target audience is around the teenage group, the main way they will see our film is on the internet and the site Youtube. For this, we need it to be easily found on the internet so when people search for it they will find it. 

1) When Hannah uploaded the film yesterday, she named it on YouTube "Hannahs final film". When I went home and tried to search for our film, I couldn't find it on YouTube unless I used the filter 'recently uploaded' and it was already on page 2 of this filter. When I also searched for it, it came up with 5,640 results so it would be hard for our audience to find our film through all the pages worth of videos and results.
However if you type it in with inverted commas "hannahs final film" it does come up with the correct results.

2) After changing the youtube name to a more specific name with our film (using our title and both our names), when I searched for it, only 44 results appeared which meant it was a lot easier for our audience to find the video now. I challenged one of my family to find my film on their laptop and where able to find it on the first page now which means we are able to get more traffic to our film and more people to see it and make it more popular.

3) It is also the first result that comes up on the page so people can easily see it and a lot of people would click on the first video they see on youtube to watch so this will create more popularity for us on the internet.


  1. Excellent work! Yes - you are absolutely right that the film needs to be searchable. Well done for seeing this independently and doing something about it! Look at some of my links to consider distribution and production methods for short films.

  2. I've just searched for the film on our channel 'centralsussexhh' and it doesn't seem to be there. Could you also upload it there, as it's a good place to get student feedback, plus I like to collect them all together to showcase work :D
