Monday, 5 December 2011


Representational Issues:
Traditional and Modern             Masculinity and Femininity              Ethnicity

The male character will we portrayed as a modern man so in a way it appeals to our current British teen audience but mostly issues with his ethnicity could arises as Britain is a collectively white race despite the semi-recent increases in immigration. In our film there is an extract of dialogue that brings up this issue, as the female character says 'so where are you from', he then replies his town and then she says 'no I mean originally' - assuming that because of his ethnicity he is not from Britain. This perhaps highlights the fact that she is conscious of the pairs differences but nevertheless peruses the modern relationship, without any hints of discrimination. As the character is a young black male there will be some preconceived connotations to people of that description, because of the media. However we do not want him to be portrayed in that, somewhat negative, stereotype.

Representational Issues:
Traditional and Modern             Masculinity and Femininity              Ethnicity
Our female character keeps the element of a British film as she is in every way traditionally a British teen. Our target audience will relate more to this character and will dilute the tone of the overall film. She is a very modern female in her dress sense as she wears tight leggings instead of perhaps a skirt and also in her personality because she is quite upfront with the male character instead of acting shy and conservative which are aspects of traditional femininity. Our audience will most likely predict that there will be some sort of relationship develop between these two as they are of similar age.


  1. You need to relate these types of representation to your target audience. Have you defined your audience somewhere? Make deliberate reference to types of femininity and masculinity - explain the difference between modern and traditional representations. You also need to comment on ethnicity here. What expectations will the audience have? Will you conform to them? Do you see ethnicities as important here? Much more consideration of the types of representations used is needed - this will prepare for evaluation and representation discussions later.
